Mythologie du Buddhisme au Tibet et en Mongolie Free PDF

 Buddhism is a major religion in Tibet and Mongolia, with a long history of influence in both countries. The mythology of Buddhism in Tibet and Mongolia is closely intertwined with the culture and history of the region.

In Tibet, Buddhism was introduced by Padmasambhava, an 8th century Indian Buddhist master who is credited with bringing Tantric Buddhism to the region. He is revered as a saint and his teachings are still followed today. Tibetan Buddhism is based on the Mahayana school of thought, which emphasizes compassion and wisdom. It also incorporates elements from other Buddhist schools such as Vajrayana and Theravada. Tibetan Buddhism has been heavily influenced by Bon, an ancient pre-Buddhist religion that still exists in some parts of Tibet.

In Mongolia, Buddhism was introduced by Genghis Khan in the 13th century. He adopted it as the state religion and it quickly spread throughout the country. Mongolian Buddhism is based on the Gelugpa school of Tibetan Buddhism, which emphasizes monasticism and strict adherence to religious rules. It also incorporates elements from other Buddhist schools such as Vajrayana and Theravada. Mongolian mythology includes stories about Genghis Khan's conversion to Buddhism, as well as tales about local gods and spirits.

The mythology of Buddhism in Tibet and Mongolia includes stories about deities, saints, demons, heroes, and other supernatural beings. These stories are often used to teach moral lessons or explain natural phenomena. They also provide insight into the beliefs and values of these cultures.

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